The workings and mystery of the natural world inspire and teach me. Travel and the oddities of twenty-first century life provide plenty to ponder.
- “From Water, Road and Rock” was nominated for the 2020 Orison Anthology by Split Rock Review, 2019
- Honorable Mention in the 2018 Brockman-Campbell Book Award contest from the NC Poetry Society, for The Brightest Rock
- Best of the Net nomination, 2016
- Pushcart nomination, 2015
- Second-place winner in the Kakalak 15 anthology, published in 2015 by Main Street Rag of Charlotte, NC
- 2014 featured poet in Cave Region Review
- Second-place winner in the 2013 Second Tuesday Poetry Series at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill, NC
I coordinated the Vermont College of Fine Arts summer residency in Slovenia from 2006 through 2010 and edited for literary journals including Hunger Mountain and Rain City Review. I also taught as a poet in the schools in Portland, Oregon. In late 2018, I moved from Durham, NC back to Portland, OR and learned a new definition of home.
I am the associate news editor for Environmental Health Perspectives, a scientific journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the National Institutes of Health. I hold a Masters of Fine Arts from Vermont College and a Bachelors degree in environmental science from the University of Virginia.
- Oregon State Poetry Society
- University Research Magazine Association
- National Science Writers Association
- Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Email: KellyLenox [at] gmail [dot] com.
Instagram: @poeditor
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