Collaborative translation is a process of two or more people working together to translate a work. My translations involve collaboration with either the author, or another person–generally a native speaker of the language the piece was written in. While I have studied Slovene, I am nowhere near fluent enough to work alone. In the listings below, if no collaborator is mentioned, I worked with the author.
- Barbara Korun, “Love, Two” in Visions International
- Barbara Pogačnik, “June Thread,” translated with Ana Pepelnik, in Poetry International Rotterdam
- Maja Vidmar, translated with Barbara Korun, in The Wide Shore
- Andrej Hočevar in Numéro Cinq
- Andrej Hočevar, Esad Babačić and Karlo Hmeljak in Dirty Goat #23
- Johanna Venho in
- Miklavž Komelj, Maja Vidmar, and Ifigenija Simonovič in Dirty Goat #20
- Barbara Korun in Gobshite Quarterly and Poetry International Web
- Alja Adam in Big Bridge
- “The Good Jeans” by Suzana Tratnik, in Sinister Wisdom 100, Spring 2016, translated with Hana Kovač
- “Pond” by Maja Novak, in Two Lines, Fall 2015, translated with Hana Kovač — Nominated for a Pushcart Prize
- Poetry by Peter Semolič and fiction by Suzana Tratnik in Ljubljana Tales (Warsaw: New Europe Writers, 2012)
- Fiction by Suzana Tratnik in Angels Beneath the Surface: A Selection of Contemporary Slovenian Fiction (Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 2008)
- Poetry by Peter Semolič, Nataša Velikonja, and Maya Vidmar in Six Slovenian Poets (UK: Arc Publications, 2006)
- Poetry by Maja Vidmar and Erika Vouk in Voice in the Body (Ljubljana: Litterae Slovenicae, 2005)
- Poetry by Barbara Korun in Chasms (Chattanooga: Poetry Miscellany, 2003)
Fresnel lens at Cape Meares lighthouse, Oregon.